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Welcome to Show C!

We acknowledge that we are on the Tsleil-Waututh First Nation's ancestral and unceded territory and are grateful for their hospitality.



This year's theme is "Love conquers all" and it embodies the core of our community values here at Seymour Dance. It's a testament to the hours both families and faculty have put in and to the larger picture of our Dance School.

-Marissa, Katie and Lauren



Sleeping Beauty

For this year's Ballet production, we are excited to present to you, Sleeping Beauty! The first half of our show features our entire RAD (Royal Academy of Dance) Ballet program with guest performers Tyler Carver (Royal Winnipeg Ballet) and Giovanni Giordano (Goh Ballet). Excerpts of Marius Petipa's Sleeping Beauty fairy and Aurora variations are showcased throughout.




In the second half of the of the show we present to you an amazing celebration of dance from our Recreational and Competitive programs! Our dancers have been working hard the whole season and they are so excited to perform for you! We are so proud of all our dancers and everything they have accomplished and learned this year. We hope you enjoy and help us in celebrating these amazing dancers!



Artistic Notes

First and foremost I would like to start by saying THANK YOU to everyone for being here this evening. After many months of rehearsing and preparing for tonights show, I could not be more excited to share with you the hard work everyone has put into this production and show case.


When it came time to deciding this years production, I knew Sleeping Beauty was a story I wanted to re-create and share with you all. Having last performed this show in 2017, it was time to bring this beautiful performance back to the stage. This ballet offers a variety of beautiful dancing and story telling throughout, from Princess Aurora performing her challenging Rose Adagio to Maleficent and Lilac Fairy showcasing the contrast of evil and good. There is something for everyone in this performance and I hope you enjoy the journey!


“They say if you dream a dream more than once, it is sure to come true”. Sharing this production with you all is truly a dream come true, thank you and enjoy the show!



With Love,



Thank you Sponsors!


Sleeping Beauty Synopsis 

In a faraway land long ago, a king and his fair queen were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. They named their daughter Aurora, for she filled their lives with light like the dawn. Visitors from throughout the kingdom came to celebrate the birth of the princess. The great gift fairies then arrived, each with a gift for Aurora. The Lilac Fairy, godmother to the Princess Aurora, entered, surrounded by her retinue of fairies and their pages. The pages beared gifts to accompany the qualities of beauty, wit, generosity, liveliness and intelligence that the fairies bestowed on the young princess. Suddenly a horrible noise was heard throughout the kingdom and the Evil fairy Maleficent appeared in a flash of green fire with her ravens behind her. Maleficent too wanted to bestow a gift. The good fairies begged Maleficent not to harm their beloved godchild, but she proceeded to place an evil curse upon the baby. She would allow Aurora grow up to be the most beautiful and enchanting of princesses; however, by her sixteenth birthday, she would prick her finger with a spindle and die.


The King and Queen were horrified. Maleficent roared with laughter, revelling in her cruelty, but to her dismay, the Lilac Fairy stepped forward and softened her curse. Aurora will indeed prick her finger on a spindle, the Lilac Fairy said but she will not die—instead, she will fall into a deep sleep. After a hundred years, a handsome prince shall come to find her and awaken her with True Love’s first kiss. The enraged Maleficent then left in her chariot, and the good fairies surrounded the cradle, guarding their goddaughter from further harm. The King and queen were relieved that the curse had been diminished but were still very concerned about their daughter's safety. He issued an edict to ban all spindles from the kingdom and with heavy hearts, they agreed that the fairies, disguised as peasant women, would raise the child in secret far away from the castle.


Over the years, Aurora grew into a beautiful woman who made friends with all the forest animals. The fairies raised her well and surrounded her with love until it was time for her to return to the castle on her 16th birthday. There she would choose a prince to hopefully break the curse.


Aurora finally returned to the castle for her 16th birthday, accompanied by her maids of honour. She was introduced to the suitors, who were struck by her beauty. Aurora danced with them, and the King and Queen tried to persuade her to choose one as her fiancé.


During the party, Aurora noticed an old woman that presented her with a beautiful glowing spindle. She took the spindle from the woman and began to dance with it but her dance ends abruptly when the spindle pricks her finger. Aurora rushes about in fear, then collapses unconscious. The King and Queen dash to her side. The old woman threw off her cloak and revealed herself to be Maleficent. She roared triumphantly that her curse had succeeded. Alas, the Lilac Fairy appeared to remind the King and Queen that their daughter is not dead but asleep, and that she is destined to sleep for one hundred years or until love's first kiss. The Lilac Fairy then cast a spell of sleep over the castle and all inside. When the princess awakens, they would awaken with her, but until then an impenetrable forest would shield them.


The Prince went out for a walk in the woods when he ran into the Lilac Fairy, who was also the Prince’s godmother. The fairy asked the Prince whether he loved any of the noble women in his court. Sadly, he said he did not. The fairy then tells him of the beautiful and enchanting Aurora. She waved her staff and told him the princess Aurora was asleep in the castle. She waved her staff again, and Aurora appeared as a vision. The Prince was overwhelmed and entranced. He pursued Aurora, but each time she evaded him. He wished to embrace her, but she slipped away and finally disappeared. Madly in love with the vision of Aurora, the prince asked the Lilac Fairy to take him to the castle, and they set off immediately.


The Prince battled Maleficent who tried to stop him from reaching the castle, but after a long battle, he defeated her. He and the Lilac Fairy entered the castle. Finally, the Prince saw the sleeping Aurora. He rushed to her and kissed her. Maleficent’s spell was broken. Princess Aurora awakened, and with her, the rest of the court. The Prince asked Princess Aurora to Marry him and Aurora agreed most happily.


The court assembled for the wedding of Princess Aurora and the Prince. The invited guests included many fairy tale characters— Puss-in-Boots, Red-Riding-Hood, Cinderella, Princess Florine and the Bluebird, among others— who presented their stories as gifts to the royal couple. After all the guests paid their respects to the bride and bridegroom, Aurora and the Prince danced a grand pas de deux. The whole assembly joined in a dance in their honour, and the kingdom lived happily ever after!




Sleeping Beauty Show c
cast list

Aurora: Brooklyn Haibeck



Prince: Tyler Carver



Lilac Fairy: Eva Stoelting



Maleficent: Tatiana Elsworth



Aurora's Father/King: Jakob Phan



Aurora's Mother/Queen: Olivia Hardman



Candide Fairy: Adelina Scurtescu



Coulante Fairy: Khalissa Bonduau



Breadcrumb Fairy: Erin Ball



Canary Fairy: Kiana Ryan



Violante Fairy: Rose Leishman



Suitors: Tyler Carver, Giovanni Giordanno, Sumner Dang



Maids of Honour: Vivianne Tan, Isla Brace, Carla Hoffman, Izia Kustner



Emerald Fairy: Ella Durward



Ruby Fairy: Miaka Ryan



Gold Fairy: Kate Milton



Silver Fairy: Grace Leishman



Diamond Fairy: Bronte Guiton



Sapphire Fairy: Anna Klaassen



Tinkerbell: Julie Souza



Puss in Boots: Elisa Gibbons



White Cat: Natalia Martinez



Bluebird Princess Florine: Lia Schneeweiss



Bluebird Prince: Giovanni Giordanno



Red Riding Hood, Grey Wolf & Lumber Jack: Ella Lake & Jack Priest



Abigail Taews, Alexa Budd, Avery Miraftab, Bronte Guiton, Brooklyn Haibeck, Carla Hoffman, Elisa Gibbons, Ella Durward, Emma Bujan, Grace Leishman, Isla Brace, Izia Kustner, Jada Falandysz, Kate Milton, Lia Schneeweiss, Miaka Ryan, Natalie Dalzell, Tatiana Elsworth, Vivianne Tan


Christening Ball Guests (Ballet Intermediate):

Abigail Toews, Alexa Budd, Avery Miraftab, Carla Hoffman, Ella Lake, Emma Bujan

Isla Brace, Jada Falandysz, Megan Chowne, Natalia Martinez, Natalie Dalzell, Nerea Sanjuan


Lilac Fairy Pages (Ballet Grade 1):

Alexa Revell, Amara Jauernig-Vogt, Aria Song, Beatrice Westerholz, Ella Skinner Stockdale, Giovanna Viana, Luca Wood, Mia Liu, Natalie Harrison, Nolyn Bernard,

Rachel Wong, Sasha Mayer


Lilac Fairy Corps (Ballet Grade 6B):

Audrey Barichello, Avery Miraftab, Brigit Hamilton, Ella Durward, Isabella Castillo, Maxine Landry, Natalie Dalzel


Trees (Ballet Grade 6A):

Abigail Bowler, Alexandra Lee, Avery Stegemann, Cali McCall-Werbes, Elaine Huang, Ella Lake, Emerson Smiers, Esther Song, Isabella Wilson, Isobel Sarin, Kenley Guiton, Kyla Falandysz, Maggie Thompson, Mira Tanada, Nicole Lisitski, Sienna Long, Sonya Melnikoff, Tessa Kustner


Bunnies (Ballet Stars):

Ananda Agrusti, Avery Jameson, Avery Lam, Charlotte Sherry-Yau, Claire Borici,

Esme Van Heerden, Isla Fisher, Mila Parsons, Rosie O'Mahony, Sloane Wark


Butterflies & Hedgehogs (Ballet Pre-Primary):

Alice Fee (hedgehog), Grace Dungait (hedgehog), Lena Clippingdale (hedgehog),

Liana Nabai (hedgehog), Marley Evans (hedgehog), Miller Mulherin (hedgehog), Rowyn McNaughton (hedgehog), Hadley Archer (butterfly), Lia Whitchelo (butterfly), Lydia Fee (butterfly), Mya Lowrie (butterfly), Naomi Sanchez (butterfly), Nash Niceforo (butterfly), Tessa Ronald-Jones (butterfly), Zoe Abell (butterfly)


Birthday Ball Guests (Ballet Intermediate Foundations):

Abigail Bowler, Alexandra Lee, Brigit Hamilton, Emerson Smiers, Kenley Guiton

Kyla Falandysz, Maggie Thompson, Molly James, Nicole Lisitski, Samantha Scott

Sienna Long, Simone Hunter-Poburko, Soiyer Hale, Sonya Melnikoff, Jack Priest

Sawyer Haibeck


Birthday Guests (Grade 3):

Autumn Christopher, Cecelia Lukat, Ellery Goddard, Mila Westfall, Ruby Boniface,

Sunni Dales, Tiantian Liu, Isaiah Bremner


Lilac Fairy's Magic (Ballet Grade 4):

Courtenay Underwood, Emma Goulding, Jerika Mulder, Lauren Ko, Luna Elmas, Maddy Geiger, Molly James, Ruby Townsend, Samantha Scott, Sasha Ledger, Sienna Gormley, Simone Hunter-Poburko, Sawyer Haibeck


Vision (Ballet Advanced Foundations/Advanced 1 & 2):

Adelina Scurtescu, Anna Klaassen, Bronte Guiton, Carla Hoffman, Elisa Gibbons

Ella Durward, Erin Ball, Grace Leishman, Isla Brace, Izia Kustner, Julie Souza

Kate Milton, Khalissa Bonduau, Kiana Ryan, Lia Schneeweiss, Miaka Ryan, Natalia Martinez, Olivia Hardman, Rose Leishman, Tatiana Elsworth, Vivianne Tan


Ravens (Ballet Advanced Pointe):

Anna Klaassen, Bronte Guiton, Carla Hoffman, Elisa Gibbons, Ella Durward, Erin Ball, Grace Leishman, Isla Brace, Izia Kustner, Kate Milton, Kiana Ryan, Lia Schneeweiss, Miaka Ryan, Olivia Hardman, Rose Leishman, Vivianne Tan


Wedding Guests (Grade 7-8):

Audrey Barichello, Avery Miraftab, Brigit Hamilton, Ella Durward, Isabella Castillo

Maxine Landry, Natalie Dalzell


Bluebirds (Ballet Primary):

Anne Lu, Caitlin Kwok, Chloe Funston, Estelle White, Naiara Brauer, Naomi Johnson, Sadie Dale


Tinkerbell's Pixie Dust (Ballet Grade 2):

Anna McNulty, Ava Behaein, Daniella Palacios, Heather Sun, Isla Carroll, Madison Baker, Paige Phung







Showcase Show c program

Get Loud! | SDC Jazz Line | Lauren Overholt

Adelina Scurtescu, Alexa Budd, Bronte Guiton, Brooklyn Haibeck, Carla Hoffman, Courtenay Underwood, Elisa Gibbons, Ella Durward, Ella Lake, Emma Bujan, Eva Stoelting, Izia Kustner, Jada Falandysz, Julie Souza, Kate Milton, Khalissa Bonduau, Kiana Ryan, Lia Schneeweiss, Miaka Ryan, Olivia Hardman, Rose Leishman, Vivianne Tan


SUESS! | SDC Stage 1 | Sophie Grover

Charlotte Lee, Rui-Chih Tan, Madeline Geiger, Jerika Mulder, Samantha Scott, Sawyer Haibeck


NationWild | SDC Hip Hop Line | Teya Wild & Lauren Overholt

Alexa Budd, Bronte Guiton, Brooklyn Haibeck, Emma Bujan, Erin Ball, Eva

Stoelting, Izia Kustner, Jada Falandysz, Julie Souza, Khalissa Bonduau, Olivia Hardman, Tatiana Elsworth, Yulia Dianova


All For Us | SDC Acro 1 | Venice Dang

Ella Lake, Kate Milton, Kiana Ryan, Lia Schneeweiss, Sawyer Haibeck


Feel The Beat | SDC Samba 1 | Marissa Heaven & Lauren Overholt

Abigail Toews, Alexa Budd, Bronte Guiton, Emma Bujan, Isabella Castillo, Izia Kustner, Jada Falandysz


Goodbye | SDC Lyrical 3 | Jenna Williamson

Courtenay Underwood, Ella Lake, Emerson Smiers, Isabella Wilson, Kayla Mahoney, Kenley Guiton, Kyla Falandysz, Olivia Graham, Ruby Townsend, Sienna

Long, Soiyer Hale, Sonya Melnikoff, Sawyer Haibeck


The Yungsters | SDC Hip Hop 3 | Ken Yung

Bronte Guiton, Brooklyn Haibeck, Emma Bujan, Erin Ball, Eva Stoelting, Haruka

Mitsueda, Jada Falandysz, Julie Souza, Kate Milton, Khalissa Bonduau, Olivia Hardman, Rose Leishman, Tatiana Elsworth, Vivianne Tan


Spelling Bee | SDC Stage 2 | Sophie Grover

Emerson Smiers, Kayla Mahoney, Kenley Guiton, Kyla Falandysz, Olivia Graham,

Soiyer Hale


Time | SDC Contemporary 5/6 | Lauren Overholt

Adelina Scurtescu, Brooklyn Haibeck, Carla Hoffman, Elisa Gibbons, Erin Ball, Eva

Stoelting, Julie Souza, Kate Milton, Khalissa Bonduau, Kiana Ryan, Lia Schneeweiss, Olivia Hardman, Rose Leishman, Tatiana Elsworth


Illusion | SDC Ballet 5 | Paige Vassos

Alexa Budd, Avery Miraftab, Ella Durward, Emma Bujan, Isla Brace, Izia Kustner, Jada Falandysz

Don't Lie | SDC Jazz 6 | Lauren Overholt

Adelina Scurtescu, Brooklyn Haibeck, Eva Stoelting, Julie Souza, Khalissa Bonduau, Olivia Hardman, Tatiana Elsworth


Poppins | SDC Ballet 2 | Paige Vassos

Daniella Palacios, Paige Phung, Ellery Goddard, Taylor Shrieves, Emma Goulding,

Ava Behaein, Daniella Palacios, Emma Blair, Emma Branco, Isla Kalnin, Mackenzie

Johnson, Paige Phung, Maddison Moore


Tonight! | SDC Stage 3 | Lauren Overholt

Adelina Scurtescu, Alexa Budd, Brooklyn Haibeck, Erin Ball, Eva Stoelting, Khalissa

Bonduau, Kiana Ryan, Miaka Ryan, Bronte Guiton, Carla Hoffman, Elisa Gibbons,

Ella Durward, Emma Bujan, Izia Kustner, Jada Falandysz, Kate Milton, Olivia Hardman, Rose Leishman, Tatiana Elsworth, Lia Schneeweiss, Julie Souza


All You Need | SDC Contemporary 3A | Venice Dang

Emerson Smiers, Kyla Falandysz, Olivia Graham, Sienna Long, Soiyer Hale, Sonya

Melnikoff, Tessa Kustner


Merry Unbirthday | SDC Ballet 1 | Paige Vassos

Aria Song, Beatrice Westerholz, Charlotte Lee, Ella Skinner Stockdale, Lola Melnikoff, Madeline Fullerton, Madison Baker, Madison Johnson, Natalie Harrison, Paityn Irvine-Naylor, Presley Thompson


Taken From Us | SDC Lyrical 6 | Lauren Overholt

Adelina Scurtescu, Brooklyn Haibeck, Eva Stoelting, Julie Souza, Kate Milton,

Khalissa Bonduau, Olivia Hardman, Tatiana Elsworth


Blow | SDC Jazz 4 | Katie Gillett

Abigail Toews, Alexa Budd, Avery Miraftab, Bronte Guiton, Ella Durward, Emma

Bujan, Isla Brace, Izia Kustner, Jada Falandysz, Maxine Landry, Miaka Ryan, Natalie Dalzell, Vivianne Tan


Muddy Waters | SDC Lyrical 5 | Belinda Sobie

Carla Hoffman, Elisa Gibbons, Erin Ball, Kiana Ryan, Lia Schneeweiss, Rose Leishman


Don't Fight It | SDC Contemporary 4B | Lauren Overholt

Bronte Guiton, Ella Durward, Ella Lake, Izia Kustner, Miaka Ryan, Vivianne Tan


Call Me Beep Me | SDC Jazz 2 | Paige Vassos

Autumn Christopher, Daniella Palacios, Emma Blair, Emma Branco, Emma Goulding, Luna Elmas, Madeline Geiger, Mila Crema, Paige Phung, Samantha Scott, Sasha Ledger, Simone Hunter-Poburko


The Fire | SDC Lyrical Select | Lauren Overholt

Adelina Scurtescu, Bronte Guiton, Brooklyn Haibeck, Erin Ball, Eva Stoelting, Julie

Souza, Kate Milton, Khalissa Bonduau, Olivia Hardman, Tatiana Elsworth, Vivianne Tan






As always, this show is in loving memory of our Late Artistic Director Sonia Ellis

Thank you!

To all our awesome staff & Choreographers!


Katie Gillett, Marissa Heaven, Melissa Haibeck, Lauren Overholt, Jessica Heaven, Jenna Williamson, Paige Vassos, Nicola Earl, Melissa Haibeck, Venice Dang, Arianna Elsworth, Nicole Narwhal, Ken Yung, Tyler Carver, Magnus Futrell-Fruhling, Randa Barett, Sam Ball, Sophie Grover, Jakob Phan


To all our amazing volunteers, partners, and sponsors!


Miki Shoji, Laura Morrison, Susan Gibbons, Millie Schneeweiss, Rhiann Hutchison, Damon Stoelting, Tevyn Pacey, Grant McDonald, Cameldance Designs Team, and Deep Cove Stage Society and

all of the many parent volunteers who have helped with all of the rehearsals and performances!


Thank you and have a lovely Summer!



Marissa, Lauren, Katie & The Seymour Dance Team


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