School Policies
Recital Policies:
All our students participate in our year-end June Shows. There is a recital fee applied to each participant and a costume fee applied to each student per performing class.
Only students and volunteers are allowed backstage at Centennial Theatre. There will be designated pick-up/drop-off times and areas for each age group scheduled for before and after the show. If you would like to volunteer, we welcome you to join our costume/parent committee.
No photography or videotaping is permitted during our recitals. It is distracting to both our audience members and are dancers on-stage. The performances are professionally photographed and filmed by GTFX. All families receive a copy of the DVD and will have access to photos as part of their annual Recital Fee.
Summer School Expectations for Competitive Students:
All students wishing to participate in any of our competitive classes are required to participate in our Competitive Program Audition as well as our Summer School Program. The students will be auditioned and placed in the appropriate class during this time. Results will be emailed and placement is not up for discussion.
Staying Informed:
There are many ways to stay informed with all of the events and activities going on throughout the year! We send regular emails that contain important information, our website is regularly updated as well as our social media pages on both Facebook and Instagram. We encourage all our families to stay proactive in keeping on top of upcoming events! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email us at info@seymourdance.com!
Weather Cancellations:
School closures due to severe weather conditions will be announced by noon that day. Notifications of weather cancellations will be emailed and announced on the schoolʼs voicemail. There are no refunds for missed classes or classes cancelled due to inclement weather or cancelled for reasons beyond the control of Seymour Dance. Students can make up the class in another class offered that is of a similar level.
Dress Code:
Hair must always be off the face (ponytail if possible) and no dangling jewelry allowed. Students are expected to observe good personal hygiene habits. Deodorant is required for students aged 11 and up. Students without proper attire may not be able to participate in class. * Please refer to the Dress Code page on our website for specific requirements for each class.
Lost and Found:
The lost and found is located in our basement lobby. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity over the Winter, Spring and Summer Breaks or if it is overflowing. *We are not holding any Lost and Found items due to the current Covid-19 environment*
Attendance / Lateness:
All students are expected to attend their regularly scheduled classes. Each class offers a step forward in the educational process. A missed class could leave a child one step behind the other students, and inhibits the following class to teach the child what was missed in the class before. It is important for children to feel confident with choreography for the year-end recital. Missing classes can result in frustration for the students, their teachers and classmates. Students who are more than 10 minutes late may be asked to sit out as it is not safe to dance without warming up in a safe way. After April 1st, if a child misses more than 3 classes they may not be able to participate in our year end show. It is hard for the class to work on the spacing, timing and cleanliness of their dance when students are frequently absent.
*ZOOM compatibility allows students to attend class virtually even if they are home sick. Please refer to our schedule to see which classes have this new feature!
Emergency Evacuation:
Emergency/Fire evacuation plans are posted on every floor of the dance school. Students are to evacuate quietly and walk in single file as quickly as possible to the designated area (the far side of the parking lot across from the school), where teachers will check their class rolls.
Recital Policies:
All our students participate in our year-end June Shows.
Only students and volunteers are allowed backstage at Centennial Theatre. There will be designated pick-up/drop-off times and areas for each age group scheduled for before and after the show. If you would like to volunteer, we welcome you to join our costume/parent committee.
No photography or videotaping is permitted during our recitals. It is distracting to both our audience members and are dancers on-stage. The performances are professionally photographed and filmed by GTFX. All families receive a copy of the DVD and will have access to photos as part of their annual Recital Fee.
Summer School Expectations for Competitive Students:
All students wishing to participate in any of our competitive classes are required to participate in our Competitive Program Audition as well as our Summer School Program. The students will be auditioned and placed in the appropriate class during this time. Results will be emailed and placement is not up for discussion.